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We are studying how pregnant women's self-defined family networks and the nature of the interactions between family members impact maternal health and wellness.

We are currently recruiting new participants.

We are studying how pregnant women's self-defined family networks and the nature of the interactions between family members impact maternal health and wellness.

We are currently recruiting new participants.


If you are a pregnant woman currently in your 16-20th week of pregnancy, plan to give birth at a UNC Facility, and would like to learn more…

Contact Information

Please contact us by phone (919-445-6853) or email ( for more information

Project PI

Lisa Pearce


Department of Sociology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
155 Pauli Murray Hall–CB# 3210
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210

Office: 266 Pauli Murray Hall
Phone: (919) 966-1450
Fax: (919) 962-7568

Carolina Population Center
137 E. Franklin Street, CB #8120
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516-2524

Office: Room 3147
Fax: (919) 455-0740